15 June 2018

TDD Preconditions, Moar Design Pressure

As test drivers we need to listen to that design pressure and simplify.

I recently spent several days dissecting a a single RSpec file that was 1300+ lines long. My pair partner and I extracted a single context of 250 lines into a new file and hauled 105 lines of setup code along for the ride. There were 103 let statements and two subjects. Thats not to mention the event machine testing mix-in and the various event mothers. 

In the end we got it working but it took far longer than it should have. There was plenty of time spent questioning our understanding of the system and how it should actually behave. Had we extracted the correct setup? and did this test work before we did the extract? became our repeated refrain. Therefore we were constantly flipping back and forth with another branch and running the test suite to ensure that we weren't screwing things up. 

We got the job done, but here are some things we learned.

1) Tests with preconditions aren't really helpful in explaining anything to the reader. It seems like the should be, but the just kept confusing us. In fact, once we became familiar with the test configuration (getting the file trimmed down to < 300 lines) they were redundant. This is clear evidence that, if the test module is properly formed, the preconditions aren't necessary; hence they are a smell.

Have you ever seen a test that looks like this;

I don't like this test. The precondition (the assertion before the execution) is telling me something is wrong. Mostly what it is telling me is that the system is complicated enough that I need to establish the current state before I can even start executing. 

Thats a design smell if there ever was one.

What that precondition is telling me is our test has become so complicated we are unsure of how the setup works and therefore our test code needs a test. Thats bad. 

2) (off topic but important) Reasonable defaults to you aren't necessarily reasonable to anyone else. When you are dealing with 1000 lines of test code and numerous external factories and fixtures you can get lost and confused very quickly. It doesn't help if an external testing library sets up conditions that aren't explicit but have significant consequences. Clever is the enemy of good. Don't use an unusual setting or configuration just for fun in your defaults, and if you do, make it super obvious that you are doing so or the developer who comes after you might spend a day chasing their tail.

3) Most importantly. Listen to the design pressure your tests provide. If you feel compelled to make an assertion about the state of the system before you execute the code under test, your code is telling you 'Hey, I'm complicated!'. Part of our goal is to not have complicated things. So do something about it. 

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